Waterproof Outdoor .RDY Gear
[2]No need to check the forecast. Waterproof outdoor RDY gear by adidas channels rain away to keep you comfortable and dry through downpours and drizzles alike.
Our clothing and shoe categories
- Cycling Gear
- Hiking Boots
- Waterproof Shoes
- Waterproof Hiking Shoes
- Outdoor Jackets
- Hiking Shoes
- Cycling Shorts
- Hiking Pants
- Five Ten Mountain Bike Shoes
- Terrex Hiking Shoes
- Hiking Gear
- Waterproof Boots
- Hiking Clothing
- Cycling Clothing
- Climbing Gear
- Terrex Trail Running Shoes
- Waterproof Golf Gear
- Lightweight Hiking Shoes
adidas Waterproof Outdoor Rdy Gear
When winter skies turn harsh, it's time to up your game in adidas waterproof outdoor RDY gear that keeps you protected and ready to conquer the commute, hike, coffee run and everything in between. For soggy days, styles with adidas RAIN.RDY use advanced waterproofing to channel the rain away from your body. Technical two-layer fabrics combine a waterproof, breathable membrane with a mesh lining to manage ventilation, so the air keeps moving even while the rain stays out. Seam-sealed Climaproof in our outdoor RDY gear blocks out gusts and drizzles for all-day comfort. Outfit young outdoor enthusiasts in Terrex winter hiking shoes that provide cozy insulation and grippy outsoles that secure their footing on snowy trails and slippery city streets.
Waterproof outdoor RDY gear from adidas incorporates smart details that take your wet-weather wardrobe from average to extraordinary. Reflective details and iridescent branding help you stay extra visible during low-light commutes. MYSHELTER styles offer proven outdoor tech designed for city environments. Stowable hoods and adjustable cuffs and hems mean you can fine-tune your look to suit the conditions. Add a pop of optimistic color on dreary grey days in Marimekko RAIN.RDY jackets, which sport distinctive prints in bold colors while keeping you dry and protected in the rain. Or rock classic sport style in the great outdoors in waterproof all-weather gear with 3-Stripes graphics incorporated. Whatever your personal style, layer up in adidas waterproof outdoor RDY gear for all-day comfort and protection from the elements.