Women's Outdoor Waterproof Gear
[12]Being outside in the rain is fun. If you're not soaked and miserable, that is. Women's outdoor waterproof gear keeps you dry on wet hikes and rainy trail runs.
Our clothing and shoe categories
- Women's Waterproof Gear
- Women's Waterproof Shoes
- Women's Waterproof Hiking Shoes
- Women's Cycling Shoes
- Women's Hiking Pants
- Women's Terrex Trail Running Shoes
- Women's Mountain Biking Shoes
- Women's Outdoor Pants
- Women's Hiking Clothing
- Women's Outdoor Jackets
- Women's Waterproof Golf Shoes
- Women's Five Ten Mountain Biking Shoes
- Women's Terrex Hiking Shoes
- Women's Climbing Shoes
- Women's Hiking Gore-tex Shoes
- Women's Gore-tex Shoes
- Women's Hiking Jackets
- Women's Terrex Shoes
adidas Women's Waterproof Outdoor Gear
Hike, run and explore all year long in women's waterproof outdoor gear from adidas. Wet weather is no match for our waterproof outdoor clothes. adidas RAIN.RDY jackets offer waterproof protection to block passing showers and outright downpours. Whether you're out for a run on the trails or sightseeing in the city, stay warm and sheltered from the foul weather with our reliable water-resistant shells. Blend into the crowd with a subtle neutral tone like black or grey, or stand out in a flashy print or bright hue. Just because it's raining doesn't mean you can't make a style statement.
Protect your feet in the wet weather with women's waterproof outdoor gear from adidas. Wade through puddles or streams confidently with our breathable GORE-TEX styles. These shoes feature a lining that seals out the moisture so you can focus on your adventure. Whether hiking, running, cycling or walking, our line of waterproof shoes will get you where you need to go. For riding your bike on muddy trails, our waterproof mountain bike shoes feature a high top design for extreme conditions. And if it's a hike you're planning in winter weather, slip into one of our COLD.RDY hiking boots with water-repellent insulation for a snug, warm fit. Discover women's waterproof outdoor gear from adidas, and plan your next adventure, whether in sleet, snow or rain.