First Off, What is Handball?
Looking for the fast pace and scrappy play of basketball and the skills and athleticism of soccer — plus the high energy of hockey? Say hello to handball. Handball is widely known by the rest of the world, but has yet to gain popularity in the U.S. — even though American athletes have all the skills to ace this sport: jumping, throwing and catching. Just don’t confuse it with American handball, which is a different sport resembling racquetball and is played by bouncing a small ball off a wall with your hand.
The Facts of Handball
• Handball is an extremely fast-paced and physically demanding sport, with each game typically racking up high scores of over 50 points.
• Each team consists of 14 players, with seven on the court at one time. There are unlimited substitutions, so players can freely rotate at any time by crossing over the substitution line.
• It’s played in two 30-minute halves, and the highest scoring team at the end of the game wins.
• Points are scored by throwing the ball into the opposing team’s goal. If the game is tied once the clock runs out, the teams can play up to two 5-minute periods of overtime. If it remains tied, the game ends in a penalty shootout.
• A handball sport ball is 7 inches in diameter — a little smaller than a volleyball, but it’s built like a soccer ball. The petite size enables players to bounce the ball, hold it in one hand, and throw it easily — often at the speed of a baseball pitcher.
• Handball is played on an indoor court 131 feet long by 66 feet wide, with a 6-foot high by 10-foot wide goal at each end. A 20-foot semi-circle surrounds the front of each goal, which is called the goal crease, followed by a dotted line 3 feet from that which is the free throw line. There is a dividing line at half-court where the game commences.
How to Play Handball
With six players in the outfield and one in the goal, begin with a coin toss, and the winning team starts gameplay with a throw off by passing the ball to a teammate at half-court.
Possession of the ball: Players can come in contact with the ball anywhere above their knee. Each player must not take more than three steps and hold onto the ball for three seconds at a time. After this, they either need to pass the ball back and forth with a teammate, or dribble the ball to maintain possession. Just like in basketball, the player isn’t allowed to dribble, stop, then dribble again, otherwise the ball is awarded to the other team. The team with the ball must make an effort to advance toward the goal — if the referee catches you in an endless game of toss, then possession will be awarded to the opposing team.
Scoring goals: The opposing team often lines up along the goal crease line to attempt to block your shot. The team can try to stop you by blocking the ball with their arms, body checking you, and forming body walls with their teammates like in soccer. However, they are not allowed to yank the ball from your hands, throw themselves into you or tackle you. If they do, the other team is awarded one free throw.
Understanding the goal crease: Goals are attempted by throwing the ball before crossing the crease. You can jump while throwing and land in the crease, but the ball must have left your hands prior to landing. The ball must pass the goal line completely to count, and no players other than the goalie are allowed to step into the crease. If an opposing player steps in, then their goal is nullified. If a defender steps in, then a free throw is awarded for the opposing player against the goalie. The goalie is allowed to block the shot with any part of their body, including their lower legs and feet.
Overall, handball is a fun and fast game, and once you understand the rules it’s pretty easy to get going. Get a team together and play in a gym or even on a soccer field to get the hang of it. Gear up with all the apparel to make your game great at adidas.